Why “Dredd” Needs To Be Seen: A Spoiler-Free Review of Why Dredd Rocks

(Note: this review is based off of a 2D showing) Unless you’re a fan of British comics and pop culture, chances are you won’t be familiar with 2000 AD’s comic hero Judge Dredd unless you’ve seen the 1995 Judge Dredd movie starring Sylverster Stallone. 2012’s Dredd starring Karl Urban and directed by Pete Travis is … Continue reading

Resident Evil: Retribution: Same Ol’ S**t, in 3D!!!

What can’t be said about Resident Evil: Retribution that can’t be understood by it’s trailer? Alice is back, she’s kicking ass, and you have an hour and a half to see her doing wire fu/gun kata violence before your brain explodes. Resident Evil: Retribution is the fifth movie in Resident Evil movie series, and for … Continue reading

The “Mass Effect Approach”: Making 5 New Video Game Franchises The Mass Effect Way

There’s been a lot of talk amongst gamers about how Rocksteady should create a game for like… every single DC hero, with their successful approach to creating the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham series. And while that’s a hell of a task to demand of a company, it was something that stayed on my mind while … Continue reading

Chronicle Review: The Best “Real World” Superhero Movie Ever?

Hancock, eat your heart out. What happens when you combine the gimmick of the Blair Witch Project, the tone of Jumper, and the personal struggle of Akira‘s Tetsuo all into one movie? You get Chronicle. And that’s a good thing. This was Josh Trank‘s directorial debut, and both his and screenwriter Max Landis‘s first work … Continue reading

“Final Fantasy: Unlimited” Review

Thanks to the Final Fantasy: Unlimited Wikia for the pictures!) With Final Fantasy XIII-2 releasing soon, and the excitement I felt playing the demo and seeing the official released game footage, I fell into a renewed love for the Final Fantasy franchise that I haven’t felt since before Final Fantasy XIII released, when I thought … Continue reading

Bad Movie Night: Surviving Asylum Picture’s Mockbusters: “Almighty Thor”, “Transmorphers”, and “200 mph”

After taking forever to see Almighty Thor (which I only heard about because of the movie’s release around the time of Marvel’s Thor) I researched the details to find that Asylum, the studio behind the movie, is famous for making these really shitty “mockbusters” that are released at the same time as the real blockbuster … Continue reading

My Guilty Pleasure: Why Digimon Rocks My Socks

They didn’t want to be the very best, that no one ever was. They didn’t want to catch them all. They were just seven scared kids lost in another world who just wanted to find their way home. At a time when all you needed was a catchy theme song, a constantly formulaic script, and … Continue reading

Movies You’ve Got To See – Le Femme Nikita

With two TV shows based on it, and the film Point of No Return as its American version, I found myself wondering just how good the original Le Femme Nikita must have been to spawn so many projects from it. With the divine gift of Netflix on my side, I found it, watched it, and … Continue reading

Flawless Victory or Troubled Fatality? Mortal Kombat Legacy Review

(To see my original post, go to Infinite-ammo.net!) Just a little more than a year ago, Mortal Kombat Rebirth hit the web, and fanboys and nonfanboys alike went absolutely insane about it. Viewers debated furiously whether Director Kevin Tancharoen had made a masterpiece out of his gritty, realistic remake of the game series, or whether … Continue reading

An In-Depth Review at X-Men: First Class (Spoiler-Free… I think)

(for a quick look of this movie, check out my Review) The X-Men franchise means a lot to me. I’m an avid fan: I’ve read as many of the comic as possible; I’ve seen all of the cartoons (even “Pryde of the X-Men); I’ve seen all of the films (even the made-for-TV movie “Generation X); … Continue reading

The Spandex Kitten Telegraph

Breaking news and thoughtless commentary on the world.

Infinite Ammo

When you’ve got Infinite Ammo on your side, you can’t lose.

House of Error

A Blog by Louis Santiago